Goodbye, old. Hello, new!

It’s been over five years and hundreds of posts, but the time has come for this blog to close.

This blog, I said.

Join me on my continuing writing journey over at, my personal website. The blog is moving there, as well as more of my stories, drawings, photos, and – coming soon – buy links!


See you there!

9 thoughts on “Goodbye, old. Hello, new!

    • Thanks, Carrie! My designer and I have been working on trying to make something that’s decidedly “me”.

      There is no subscription option (outside of RSS feed link) at the moment…but that’s because I still need to add stories to the site, and that will be – no lie – at least 150 posts. I don’t want to spam folks away!

      Thanks for your support, and on to the new!


  1. I glanced at the new website. It’s pretty cool and I’m looking forward to all the stories you’ll post. Can’t wait to start following your blog once the option is available.


    • Thanks, George! I appreciate those folks willing to make the change.

      It’s nice to have a new site to start fresh with more focused action. At least, I hope to stay focused, now…!

      Happy writing!


    • Thanks, Kate! I really appreciate that my friends are willing to make this move with me. I’m hoping for good things to come from a more focused site. Plus, no stats for me to fret over. Whoo!

      Happy writing!


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